Publisher’s Notes – March 2017

Where do I start??? There is so much to talk about.

GAS LINE! Well one of the local things that is going on in my life is that the Sabal Trail Gas Line is all but finished, the 3ft diameter pipe is welded and buried. Let’s hope this is not where the real trouble starts. I see these people protesting carrying signs. To them I say you are a year to late. The Gas line representative held meetings for some two years, asking questions, answering questions, but very few were protesting. “I DID!” actually when they first came to talk to me, I refused them and ran them off my property. The next contact was to get permission to survey my property, I refused them again. They said that legally I had to allow surveyors to survey my property, I refused them again and hired an attorney because I could not do my daily business and deal with them. So from the day I hired my attorney on till finish I did not talk to them, I refer them to legal council.

When I realized that many people were not fighting they were rolling over and signing their papers. I saw that at that time public opinion was not protest. There was some obstruction but to no end results. [Read more…]