Publisher’s Notes

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    • Publishers Notes July 2024
      Think about what your going to do on election day. You will get all kinds of pressure to vote for a curtain person. Ask yourself how did he preform while he was in office. Was your life better for it? What will happen if Trump wins? Oil  drilling will increase right away. the Auto Industry […]
    • Was it JUST a Dream?
      By tomL I Had a Dream! Not I have a dream! I had a dream about what is going on in the world and our country. Remember the song “Just a Dream / Just a dream. All our Plans and all our Schemes?????? The way the dream started was right after the Trump verdict I […]
    • Trump is Coming!
      By TomL I can hear the rumblings on the streets. The “left” has thrown everything they have, then I hear Rumblings “Trump is coming” and the people are coming with him. That is the important part. When he brings the masses with him as he has been doing, we can make him President  and swear […]
    • Publisher’s Notes – May 2024
      I keep hearing “let me make this perfectly clear!” most of it is not clear because they are not following our Constitution. Gag order on Trump is Un-Constitutional! Everyone affiliated with the trial can do Social Media and talk to the press BUT TRUMP CAN NOT Ruled by the judge. That is Un-Constitutional! I can’t […]
    • AI Effects to the Newspaper Industry
      Trying to understand how AI effects the Newspaper, magazine industry. As far as Copy Righting articles. I understand when a writer,  write’s something or an article and Ai finishes it or enhances  the article with a lot of facts. The writer can copy right what he or she put into AI but not what AI […]
    • Bernie Sanders 32 Hour Week
      By TomL Will a 32 hour work week happen? It was introduced by Bernie Sander a Socialist. Should we trust him? I just put him the same category as Joe Biden. Well let me tell you a story about my 32 hour work week. It starts out in the 60’s Hollywood Florida at a company […]