LifeSouth remains in emergency need – Donate blood today

LifeSouth Community Blood Centers still faces emergency need for all blood types, especially type O, and is asking the community to donate blood today.

The blood center remains on emergency appeal, although a decline in donations is typical during the winter and holiday months. LifeSouth needs the support of our community more than ever. Donors are urged to give blood during this critical time to ensure hospitals maintain the blood supply needed to save lives. Traumas and accidents can strike at any time, putting our community at risk.

“If you’ve never donated before, now is the time,” said LifeSouth District Director, Ed Keith,  “Please don’t wait for a trauma to occur, your donation is needed now.”             

LifeSouth is at an “emergency” level, which means there is less than a 2-day supply available to replenish hospital inventory. All blood types are needed, especially type O negative, which is the universal donor and can be used by all patients in an emergency. Platelet donations are also critically needed now.

All donors receive a thank you gift, and a mini-physical, including blood pressure, temperature, iron level and cholesterol screen.

Donors must be at least 17 or 16 with parental permission, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in good health. A photo ID is needed. LifeSouth’s donor center in Ocala is located 1607 E. Silver Springs Blvd.  LifeSouth’s bloodmobiles will also be out at many locations in coming days. For additional information call LifeSouth toll-free at 888-795-2707 or visit

Contact: Tom Davis, LifeSouth District Community Development Coordinator


[email protected]